God's Presence

If my path be smooth or rugged, If with thorns or roses strewn. Where I go the Father seetih, And He will leave me not alone.

If I take the wings of morning far within the giant sea, Even there His hand will lead me, Even there my God will be.

Though the gloom of night be round me, Though I cannot see my way, Yet the Lord will see and guide me, Because unto Him the night is day.

If my thoughts are good or evil, Set me think to hide them not. There is One above all seeing, and He beholdeth every thought.

And ever more my eyes beholds me, And all my ways to Him are known, And His loving arms enfolds me, He will leave me not alone.

~ Blanche 1884

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Rejuvenating Weekend

As I feel this ultra season has been off to a rocky start with many learning experiences along the way, this past weekend’s race was what I needed to remember why I love to run. I picked up a 10k this weekend in Iowa City knowing full well that I would not be able to fly through the course based on my lack of speed training for the last few months, but it sounded like a nice pick me up… and that is just what it was. I was able to run with a few friends and one of which was running his 1st 10k.  He asked what pace I was going to run at, and he thought he might just try to tag along with me. I told him that would be great and I welcomed the thought of me being the experienced runner in this scenario (not that I truly feel that way). As we weaved through people for the 1st 5k he was hanging on strong, but we were going a little slower than I liked. People began to string out along the course and it made it easier to maneuver together, so I picked up the pace. Fearing I might lose him and not wanting to leave him behind I was constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure he was there. With less than 2 miles left he tried to let me go, but I yelled out his name and made him stretch his long legs out to catch up. At this point we were moving at about a 7:45 pace (he wanted to run around a 9 min pace). I did not know if I was going to be able to push/pull him to the finish at this pace, but with some encouragement along the way he held on tight and finished strong. I truly enjoyed seeing the smiles on his face through the exhaustion as he was happy to have accomplished this race with a solid effort. It reminded me of why I love pushing my body to its limits and the feeling that overwhelms you when you achieve new goals. I will complete another 50 miler in two weeks and then my sights are set back on a 100 miler at the end of May. Thank you Jared!
Another congrats goes out to my other friends who ran Boston today showing their dedication, heart, and hard work pay off: David Cook, Kandice Tjebkes (RP), and Terry Curry (GG)
There are as many reasons for running as there are days in the year, years in my life.  But mostly I run because I am an animal and a child, an artist and a saint.  So, too, are you.  Find your own play, your own self-renewing compulsion, and you will become the person you are meant to be.  ~George Sheehan

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks again Boorn. I had a blast and couldn't have achieved the same results without you. Although my knees are both bruised and I couldn't walk the rest of Sunday, I have plans of stopping by Runnig Wild this week for my next pair of running shoes - it's go time.
