God's Presence

If my path be smooth or rugged, If with thorns or roses strewn. Where I go the Father seetih, And He will leave me not alone.

If I take the wings of morning far within the giant sea, Even there His hand will lead me, Even there my God will be.

Though the gloom of night be round me, Though I cannot see my way, Yet the Lord will see and guide me, Because unto Him the night is day.

If my thoughts are good or evil, Set me think to hide them not. There is One above all seeing, and He beholdeth every thought.

And ever more my eyes beholds me, And all my ways to Him are known, And His loving arms enfolds me, He will leave me not alone.

~ Blanche 1884

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life’s battles...

Throughout the previous week I had battled injuries and illness. I have been able to lace up and hit that road to two hundred again and I'm not looking back. As I am preparing for my first 24 hour ultra in less than two weeks I think about the battles that I have faced before this momentous occasion and the ones I will face throughout the long day on my feet. In the sport of ultrarunning you are faced with multiple challenges, but most of which are presented again and again (sore legs, cramps, tired feet, blisters, aches & pains, etc), so you learn how to be mentally tough in those situations and push through them. I am also motivated to keep that relentless forward motion when I think about the battles that others face in their daily lives. I have a choice and I choose to put myself through that pain and mental challenge, but there are many more unfortunate persons out there that struggle with more severe pain, heartache, and health problems daily.  As I have said before, I love to run for organizations and races that are raising money for a good cause and now it is my turn to raise money myself for those dealing with one of life’s unique and very challenging battles.  If you would please read through my previous post and the Miles for Muscles campaign, I would greatly appreciate it. Our friend and community member is in need and I would love for us to support him in any way we can in his current life battle.

“Life’s battles don't always go to the strongest or fastest man,
But sooner or later the man who wins is the fellow who thinks he can.”

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